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Life is a Curious Quest


I voted for the first time today. What an election to start off with.

I must say I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out. The California propositions seem to be tending against my vote, but I can settle for president.

I know there is a lot of doubt about how much change a president can really make, but I have high hopes for Obama. He seems to have the will and ability to make things happen, and I really hope that will translate into good things during his presidency. If nothing else, it will be a nice change to hear positive things about the president of our country. I might just be able to feel a little pride in our leadership this time around. Granted, I wasn't too politically aware during the last eight years, but every time Bush was mentioned it was always in a negative light. I don't ever remember thinking, "I'm glad Bush is our president". And if that's the only change Obama can bring, it would still be a very welcome improvement.